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Frequently Asked


What is 3FORMA?

3FORMA is a health and wellness app that offers clear direction to create daily healthy habits. The programming goes beyond confusing industry fads into evidence-based techniques catered to the individual. Aside from recipes and workouts, 3FORMA teaches that mindset is as important as the food you eat and the muscles you train, empowering clients to learn what works best for them emotionally so that they can thrive physically. 

What makes this app different for any other health and wellness app?

Your health and wellness goals are personal, and we believe the process and getting there should be personal too! 3Forma allows you to handpick and create programming that fits your needs. Find your favorite workouts, choose a dietary approach that speaks to you, and then follow our daily tasks to reform your habits and remain consistent. 

What is included within the app?

The app provides programming within three main pillars - food, fitness, and focus. Clients have the capability and flexibility to choose between different recipes, meal guides, workout programs, and daily rituals based on their individual needs.

Is it a membership?

Yes! This is a month to month subscription based program, and clients will be charged every month.

How much is the app?

The month-to-month subscription is $19.99/mo. (most popular)
20% off for 6 months for $15.99/mo
50% off for 12 months for $9.99/mo (best value)

Is private coaching available?

Yes, a limited number of active membership clients are able to receive private coaching from BOTH Natalie and Lindsey. Take your goals to the next level with personalized macros + individualized workout plans + biweekly zoom calls for check ins and accountability. There is a non-negotiable 3 month commitment and pricing is $250/mo. Email support@3forma.app for inquiries!

Can I receive my own personalized macros?

Yes, active membership clients are able to receive a one-time macro set up to support their personal goals for $59. Click on Programs + Upgrades under the Resource section for all inquiries. 

Can I access the programming on my laptop as well as the app?

As of now, 3FORMA is available in the app store for IOS and Android. Desktop version coming soon!

How do I cancel my membership?

We hate to see you go! But don't worry, just head to the Resource section of the On-Demand tab OR click this link to manage your account: https://client.everfit.io/login. 

Can I get a refund?

Due to the digital nature of this program, all sales are final. Please ask all of your questions via email (support@3forma.app) before purchase.

Is there a free trial period?

Yes! We offer a free 7-day trial, click HERE to get started!

Do I have to track macros?

Tracking macros is not required as part of this program. However, there are several options if you are interested in tracking your macros. 1) clients are able to log their meals by simply uploading a photograph into their personal Food Journal within the app 2) 3FORMA also integrates with MyFitnessPal (go to App Integrations in Profile Settings) so all client data will be transferred into the 3FORMA app for ease of overall tracking. *Please note that individualized macros can be set with your Head Trainers for an additional fee.

Are there any other health apps that integrate with 3Forma?

MyFitnessPal, Cronometer, Apple health, Fitbit

Does this program involve intermittent fasting?

This success of this program does not require Intermittent Fasting. However, our app does integrate with Chronometer (found in App Integrations under Profile Settings) if you are interested in coupling this program with Time Restrictive Eating. This will also be discussed further with your Head Trainers during private coaching, if applicable, based on an individualized basis.

What type of workouts are available? 

3Forma offers a variety of workouts clients can perform both at home and the gym.
  1. Clients are able to choose between different levels (beginner, intermediate, advance) and the types of workouts include Weight Lifting/Strength Training, Cardio, HITT (TABAT, EMOM, ECT), Barre/Dance, Stretching, Reactive Recovery. 
  2. Follow along with Live workouts with Natalie and Lindsey right from your app!
  3. Need a little more guidance? We got you covered! Clients have the option to opt into our structured 8-week programs catered to specific goals and lifestyles. 

Looking for more structure?

3FORMA offers several different 8-week programs. Each program provides specific workouts with corresponding tasks to keep you on track with your food, fitness, and focus.  
  1. Busy Girl Transformation: This is for the busy woman who needs something fast, efficient, and effective. Say buh-bye to excuses and get ready for results.
  2. Strong Girl Strength: Our free-weight program focuses on the foundation of strength training, teaching you how to build your desired body composition and confidence.   
  3. Fit Girl Reset: Get back to basics with a variety of workouts and reset your nutrition with a 14-day 3FORMA Flush! The perfect way to get back on track.

What equipment do I need for the home workouts?

Dumbbells and/or kettlebells, resistance bands, yoga mat, sturdy chair or bench. 

Can I do my own workouts with this program?

Sure thing! Any type of workout is better than nothing at all. We want our clients to ENJOY their workouts so they can stay consistent and feel amazing.

Do I have to join a gym?

Not at all! We encourage everyone to workout in an environment you feel comfortable AND motivated to help you reach your goals. Gyms can be a great resource and change of scenery but are not necessary to see results.

What type of nutrition plan do I have to follow? Is it strict?

When it comes to nutrition, we believe in the power of whole foods. Overall, we preach the 80/20 rule of consuming 80% of your day with whole foods and allowing for 20% flexibility for the rest of your day. Restrictive diets leaving you hungry or making you feel guilty are not a part of our programming.

Instead, 3Forma offers information for 6 different dietary approaches: Mediterranean, Paleo, Vegetarian, High Protein, Low Carb, and Low Fat. Each approach will provide evidence-based information on how to implement the specific diet within your daily routine, along with the advantages, disadvantages, and general macro breakdown. We believe finding the approach you enjoy that fits your lifestyle will encourage consistency and lead you to new, healthy habits.

How do I know which dietary approach to follow?

Clients have access to all 6 approaches while they are active members and are able to try different approaches to best support their goals. Your life is constantly changing and your eating habits will too! 3FORMA has all the information you need to support any body composition goal. Please see video and descriptions in the Coaching tab under Resources. 

Are there meal guides and recipes? 

There are TONS of recipes supporting all 6 dietary approaches available to our clients. Everything from breakfast, lunch and dinner to sweets, sides, and snacks will be available within our Resources section and constantly growing.

What if I'm vegetarian?

Perfect! We have an entire dietary approach centered on vegetarians with recipes to support your goals. 

Can I still drink alcohol?

In short - yes. We believe you can still reach your goals while enjoying a glass of wine on the weeknd or a cocktail during date night. Check out our podcast (FindYourForma, Episode 9) for all the details about alcohol and how quickly you want to see success!

Can I do this while I'm pregnant? Or breastfeeding?

Yes! The nature of our programming is centered around whole food nutrition, which is one of the best ways to fuel your body for you and your baby. When it comes to the exercises, listening to your body is key and modifying if needed. As always, we recommend consulting with your doctor prior to any dietary or physical activity changes. 

I'm super busy and always on the go, does this require a lot of time?

Girl, we made this app just for YOU! We understand your time is valuable which is why our programming is quick, efficient, and effective. No matter your season of life, we will provide life changing information that is simple and to the point so you can get sh*t done and conquer your day. 

Can men do this program too?

Absolutely…if they can keep up! We welcome any and everyone who is interested in creating new healthy habits and building a sustainable lifestyle. 

What if I'm not trying to lose weight and am interested in eating healthy is this program for me?

100% YES! Our programming helps busy women recover from fitness fad burnout by building sustainable lifestyle routines unique to their physical, mental, and nutritional needs. Whether that is to lose weight, build muscle, or just to feel good within your skin, we got you girlie.

Is there any type of accountability?

Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result, and that is exactly what 3FORMA is here for! We offer accountability in many forms such as tracking your body metrics, personal growth and nutrition + fitness progress as well as community forums. Don’t forget about private coaching!

What are the challenges and guides?

3FORMA constantly releases new challenges to help clients level up and bring on a little friendly competition. Whether you are perfecting your plank, attempting gluten-free or committing to 14 days of self-care, clients will have tons of options to choose from and join throughout the year! (All challenges are optional and may have an additional fee.) 

How long do I have access to the challenges?

Clients have unlimited access to your purchased guides and challenges as long as your membership is active. 

Are there other resources included? 

Yes, you will have direct links to our podcast, Youtube channel and blog.

Who do I contact if I'm having technical issues with my app?

What if my question isn't answered?

Please email support@3forma.app

How do I sign up?